Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Olive & Frank

Too many hours of grooming the internet has led me into some pretty dark corners, of which I definitely want to forget. Stumbling upon the little gem that is Olive & Frank however, was a much more pleasant experience. 
Peppered with simple statement pieces and those which balance 1 part pretty with 1 part elegance , O & F seemed right up my alley. Quiet yet dignified, their new website www.oliveandfrank.co.uk  offers a selection of good quality clothing that both your Mum and fiendishly fashionable friends will compliment. 
Intrigued by how this pearl came to be, I quizzed the CEO and founder, Chloe.

So, Chloe, how did Olive and Frank come to be? Was it an easy process?
Olive and Frank Is something that has evolved over the years. I originally started off selling vintage clothes on ebay, it was something I enjoyed but didn't really think of as a career. A couple of years after that I looked more seriously into creating an online business and that’s when I started Olive and Frank. Originally it was a jewelry boutique and then about a year into it I expanded to clothes, shoes and accessories. I wouldn't say it was an easy process, there was a lot of trial and error (there still is) but I am doing something I love so it’s all good fun - I enjoy going to work!
How did you ensure your ideas became reality?
I just started really small. I didn’t have huge amounts of capital so I had to learn how to do most things myself and slowly it grew from there.

A slow burning idea can often be the most effective as it consistently builds over time, rather than flogging and burning out. Were you always encouraged to just go for it?
I have been very lucky to have huge support from my friends and family. I have also been fortunate enough to have the support of the blogging community which has been a huge help with launching Olive and Frank.
And now you must be pretty happy, right? Especially with a new website launch and a following which is growing day by day!
It has taken a lot of hard work and long nights, but I couldn't be happier with the new site! I pretty much love all the pieces on the site, ( it’s a perk of the job!) however I have been wearing my Emilio Stripe Cardigan a lot recently in this horrid weather! 
How often do you think up new ideas? 
I am always thinking about ideas and inspiration, I have a big notepad on my desk where I jot ideas down and I carry a little notebook around in my bag for when inspiration hits!
Favourite music to work to?
I usually go for something like Ben Howard or Mumford and Sons or even just the radio as background noise!

Words of wisdom for girls wanting to do good in this field of work?
I would just say keep going. I think it’s so important in life to do what makes you happy and I really believe if you keep working at it you can achieve whatever you want. I plan to build on our existing collection creating more new pieces and spreading the word about Olive and Frank worldwide!

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